
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Keep Fighting

     Slowly, but surely, I am getting back on track.  I have not really wanted to, yet I keep pushing forward.  One day at a time.  Hubby has started doing the DDP Yoga DVDs with me in addition to his gym workouts.  He told me that he thought gaining flexibility would help him with his weight lifting.  This is definitely true, and I know stretching out helps.  Part of me also has wondered if he could sense that I need the extra motivation right now.  It's harder to slack off when you have a workout buddy.
     The other thing I'm wondering is if my vitamin D levels are low again.  Several weeks ago I ran out of my vitamin D supplement, and have failed to buy more.  This may not seem like a big deal to some, but it is for me.  In the past I have experienced the overwhelming feeling of wanting to crawl in bed or in a cave somewhere and hide.  I wouldn't want to do anything and I was just overall feeling down.  When I went to the doctor they did blood work, and come to find out my vitamin D level was not at the 30-50 level they want.  Mine was at 17.  The symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are a lot like depression.  I started taking a supplement at to help get me back up to normal levels.  When I go off of it for a long time, I start feeling the symptoms again.  So for me, I have to stay on a supplement.  This was the case for me, may not be for everyone. 
     Add on top of the likely vitamin D deficiency me thinking a lot about my friend Jessie the last few days, and you have one unmotivated gal! 

     Again, I always feel good when I do my workout.  It's just flipping that switch to go from wanting to lay on the couch to working out that is a challenge right now.  I will fight through this, and I will keep going.  One step at a time.

All the best,

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