
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Voices Return

     It is so odd.  With my workouts I have been rolling along fine, and then today it was just tough.  I was 10 minutes in, and all I wanted to do was stop.  It was a mental battle the whole time.  I had to keep telling myself to make it a few more minutes, a constant personal pep talk for the entirety of the workout.  The important point is that I finished it.
     I am to the point in my workout program that it is getting more challenging.  This is the last week that has more than one rest day allotted.  So we're really ramping up.  I believe subconsciously that my fears are creeping in, and so my brain is saying, "abort, abort!"  I'm getting to the difficult part, and it's getting real.  The goals that I have set are before me, and the fear is coming strong.  That little voice that thinks I can't really accomplish it, and thinks that I'm going fail is trying to make itself heard. 
     Times like this, I remind myself that I am capable of this goal.  It is about releasing the potential within.  I have the strength within me, it is about putting the work in to let it shine.  It will not be easy.  That is what will make the accomplishment so much more exciting to obtain.  By working hard and pushing through these challenges, I will appreciate the progress all the more. 
     It was a tough workout from a mental perspective.  I finished it, and I'm better for it.

All the best,

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