
Friday, September 12, 2014

Strive for Progress

     The last two days have been interesting.  My water intake is definitely improved by quite a bit.  I have consistently consumed at least 80oz of water every day since Tuesday.  That's definitely a step in the right direction!  I also found it easier to get back into the workout groove after my rest day on Wednesday.  There were still a few thoughts about skipping Thursday's workout.  It was good to see that there weren't as many, and it wasn't as difficult to get back to it.
     The area that was a bit more challenging yesterday and today was my nutrition.  I am not able to go to the grocery store until tomorrow, so we've been playing the game of trying to piece together meals with not a lot of ingredients to choose from.  It's always interesting to see what your creativity comes up with, but I have found that times like these are when bad habits are more likely to creep in.  The good news is that even when I did grab something quick, I made healthier choices about what I got. 
     An example of this was we had Jimmy John's delivered for lunch yesterday.  Typically I would get one of the sub sandwiches.  Yesterday, I decided that I would get the sub that I normally would want in their lettuce wrap ("unwich") form, have them go light on the condiments, and use the Ezekiel bread we had here at home.  I also refrained from getting any extras like chips or a coke.  It was proof that I could still grab a bite to eat, and not go completely off the rails from a nutrition perspective.

     The other difficulty I had with less options in house was not meeting my calorie goal for the day.  The calorie amount would have been decent if I was looking to lose weight.  Since my goal is to build muscle, it wasn't ideal.  No worries though, I'll be getting back on track tomorrow.
     I feel like the biggest win for me out of all this is the fact that I didn't beat myself up over it.  Things happen.  My accountability buddy pointed out that sometimes we have to do the best with the options we have at that time.  I did, and I feel awesome about that.  Those are the little steps that make this possible.  It is about a lifestyle, not a quick fix diet.  We are going to run into situations where we need to made a decision in a pinch, and that's okay. 

     What I've been reminded of in the last few days is to set myself up to have nutritious options at home.  Additionally, I was able to make the healthiest decision possible when the options at home had run out.  Life is full of curveballs, and it's about what you do with them.  As they say in my DDP Yoga DVD series, "only you control the way you react, how you adapt, how you breathe, and how you take action."

All the best,

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