
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Life Is Beautiful

     This post is the hardest to write so far.  It's not that I don't have anything to say, it's that there's so much to say.  It's that I'm not sure any words I can find will do it justice.  Yet here I sit, knowing that I need to at least try to put it out there.
     Last night I had gotten on the computer to do a bit of study.  I will be giving a lesson at a Ladies' Bible study in about a week and a half, and so wanted to work on my lesson.  I decided to check Facebook real quick before I got started, and saw a post that stopped me in my tracks.
     I have a friend that has been fighting the horrific thing that is cancer.  She's been battling it for several years now, and had been in the hospital again recently.  During this stay, they have now been told that the treatments are no longer working.  This is a hard reality to face.  No one wants to learn that someone they care about is being put in this position.  She has two sons at home, a loving husband, family, and scores of friends nationwide that love her so much. 
     I read the words with tears rolling down my cheeks.  I had been planning on trying to get back to see her.  This new information brought urgency to my plans.  I decided to go with my husband's suggestion to get out there again.
     This woman is a pillar of strength.  While fighting her own battle she has also had to power through losing her mother not even 2 years ago, and losing her father less than a week ago.  While we have all been struggling with the words to say, she told us that she is "going home to fight like crazy for the time I have."   
     She has kept her spunk, and has been a positive influence in so many lives.  I have had the pleasure of visiting her on several occasions when my work took me out her way.  She is a light, full of laughter and a beautiful person inside and out.
     I am so excited to see my friend again.  I will not be able to take away the difficult situation she and her family have been put in.  I hope to give back just a portion of what she has given to so many people, including myself.  Give love, care, and a laugh.
     The whole situation is a reminder of the bigger picture.  We have so much to live for and appreciate.  "Just open your eyes, and see that life is beautiful."

All the best,

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