
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Food and My Relationship With It

     Today I have been thinking about nutrition. More specifically my attitude towards it. I purposely used the word nutrition, instead of diet here. For me, I feel like diet has gotten a restrictive and negative connotation in my own mind.  I realized this when I was deciding to do the transformation challenge and immediately thought I better eat a bunch of stuff I "can't have anymore."
     As that thought crossed my mind, I realized I have had unhealthy associations with food and with having a healthy lifestyle. The guidelines of the challenge even allow for 1-2 treats a week, yet my mind thought I can never have sweets again. It is simply not true, or realistic.

     It is about balance in life. I should be eating the healthy good for me foods more often than not, and having a treat here and there is okay and completely normal. While I'm no expert, I have read in several places that having a treat here and there actually helps keep you on track. It's when the treats are happening a majority of the time that it becomes a problem. 
     Another thing I realized is that I had been rewarding myself with food in the past. For me, this is counterproductive and feeds into the thought process that a food plan is restrictive.  I am working on ideas for rewards when I hit milestones that aren't food related.  It's important to celebrate the milestones, while keeping myself on track. 
     My focus is now on balanced nutrition, and creating a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition is important for me. In my last 2 yearly physicals, I was told that my cholesterol was too high. You wouldn't guess it by looking at me, yet it's true.  I want to get a handle on that now before my health is deteriorating because of it.
     The other reason it is important, is because only by having healthy nutrition will I get to my personal aspirations.  While I'll talk about my goals more tomorrow, since my overall focus is to build muscle and not lose weight, I'll have to track to make sure I am eating enough calories to support that plus the calories needed to breastfeed.  It's a lot harder than I thought.  Especially when trying to use healthy foods to reach the calorie goal with a good balance between healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates.  I've started using the MyFitnessPal app again to help track the calories and ratios.
     When I think of my nutrition as adding more of the healthy foods instead of as a restrictive activity, it puts my mind in the right space.  Even choosing to add one more healthy meal a day is progress.     
     The good news is that I can choose to make a difference. Through the challenge my focus is to be more consistent with healthy nutrition, choosing a healthy option more often than not. Enjoying treats from time to time, and using other options as rewards instead of food.

All the best,

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