Yesterday I had a trunk or treat event at work that I took Chickpea to, and decided to swing by Bass Pro Shops on the way home since they were doing pictures. He was already in costume, and I was going to take every opportunity to let him wear it! I learned while there that they would be having an in store trick or treat event, and a costume parade on Halloween. So today, I dressed him back up, and took him over there.
We enjoyed the time there, and it was getting closer to Chickpea's dinner and bed time routine. I loaded him up with enough time to grab a coffee treat using the rest of a Starbuck's gift card I had, and also swing by Chick-fil-a for a bite.
On my way home I noticed that there was smoke/steam coming from the front of the Jeep. You don't have to be a grease monkey to know that this is not a good thing. After the light turned green, I got over into a parking lot nearby to assess my situation. The engine was running a bit warm. So, after consulting with the hubby, I let it cool down. My next task was to limp it just a bit further down the road to the QuikTrip to get water and put it in.
Doing this sort of thing on your own is not a huge deal. Doing this sort of thing on your own with an 8 month old in tow is not as easy. I swear that when a mom hears their baby cry, it is like an epic brain scrambler. Someone could play it over a loud speaker in some sort of warfare tactic to render her useless. I got the water in the Jeep, and a nice man stopped by to help me get the hood back down (if you've ever lifted and lowered the hood on a Jeep, you know this was a welcomed offer).
The gauges showed the engine was back in normal range, so I put on the hazard lights to limp it the 2 miles back home. Long story short, I get within a half mile from the house and it is done. Smoking/steaming again and just won't go anymore. Here I am with Chickpea, parked on the side of the road. Of course it is 34 degrees outside, and hubby is occupied with a ride-a-long for his EMT course over 25 minutes away. Chickpea is no longer amused by being out and about, he is tired, cranky and screaming. I am waiting on the engine to cool down again so that I can try to limp it the short way home.
My husband was within 20 minutes of being to our location when flashing lights showed up behind me. My first thought was a police officer was checking on us, but it turned out to be a tow truck driver. He was on his way to a call when he passed me going the other direction. That call got cancelled, so he turned around to check on the vehicle. When he came up, he didn't expect to find me and the baby there. He offered to let us wait on hubby in the warmth of the truck. I told him we lived just around the corner, and asked if he could tow it. He said sure, and loaded us up. The guy was so nice, and he was saying that the previous call was meant to be cancelled so that he could be available to help us. I think he felt bad that I was stranded out in the cold with the baby.
He unloads the Jeep in the driveway, and helps me get Chickpea out of the tow truck and he carries him in the car seat up to the door. I then asked him how much I owe him, fearing the hefty tow bill that usually accompanies these things. He looked at me and told me not to worry about it. I stood there in disbelief, and asked him "are you sure?" He said that he was, and told me to have a great night.
There you have it, the treat from my Halloween evening. I thanked him when he told me this, and I thank him again here. I appreciate you helping Chickpea & I out. You brought light into an evening that was ending with frustrated thoughts of the repairs and associated bills with the Jeep situation. My way of showing my appreciation to you for helping me out in a pinch, is to find the opportunity to do the same for someone else. Thank you for the bright spot in a frustrating evening!
All the best,