
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Infusing Water For The Win

     The last couple of days have had some good progress.  The infused water pitcher I ordered arrived on Monday.  I immediately opened it up and washed it.  I added some strawberries to it, filled it with water, and let it infuse over night.  I was excited to give it a try Tuesday, and filled my water bottle from the pitcher.  I'm happy to say that it met expectations!  I enjoyed the light taste of strawberry in my water.  It was also successful from a water consumption perspective.  I didn't have to remember how many times I refilled my water bottle, I could see how much I had left by the water level in the pitcher.  I successfully got through the whole pitcher in one day!  That is 93oz!

      That's a definite step in the right direction!  Today is the second day of using the pitcher method, and I'm happy to say that I am on my last 16oz of the pitcher!  It's been interesting to see how my body has reacted so far.  Of course there are more frequent bathroom trips, but I'm told that calms down after my body gets used to the new water intake level.  Another thing I've noticed is that the more I drink water, the more water I want.  It's like my body is saying, "hey, I like this stuff!  I want more!"  I went over my 93oz goal on Tuesday because of this fact.  The last thing I noticed as a breastfeeding mom, I was a lot fuller this morning.  I won't go further into it other than to say it was not a side effect I expected!  lol
     This is good progress for me.  My goal is to keep the momentum, and take it one day at a time.  It's overwhelming to think about drinking all this water every day from now on.  If I only think about it one day at a time, it doesn't seem like such an obstacle to overcome.  I'll be interested to see what other things I begin to notice as I continue to stay hydrated.  I'm also excited to try new flavor combinations and keep the water interesting.  We shall see!
All the best,

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